Mildly having ruled almost a decade of my life, I have a confession to make about this tiny, mildly obnoxious sea sponge.
Confession: Spongebob Squarepants will ALWAYS remind me of my sister, Lauryn, and afternoons after school. High school, I mean.
Ah yes, things we hide in school. What we are "too cool" for.
When I was 8 or 9, I hid that I liked Power Rangers and Barney. When I was 14, I used to watch The Magic School Bus.
When I was 18 and 19, I watched Spongebob. With Lauryn. With an after school snack. And jokes. Lots of jokes. And milk-out-your-nose laughter.

Sometimes after swim practice, we would spend some time outside, or have a snack in a giant refrigerator box and watch Spongebob through little holes in the side.
Whatever the case, it will always remind me of Lauryn, because we laughed SO hard, and have so many inside jokes that happened around those after-school-Spongebob-situations.
Good times!

The following is a barrage of images that involve inside jokes only.
Sorry, outsiders.

The best of two worlds! The best of two worlds!!

Ner ner ner ner ner ner ner!

More than my son's once-obsession.
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