Okay, so this may sound super ridiculous - but yes, I have a cake blog... but I also have this blog, so I can still blog here about cakes. Sortof. In a way.
Wow. I just said blog a lot.
OKAY so, top secretly - when I'm bored, or feeling crafty - I will search the internet, or places I have been, for cakes. New designs I could put on a cake, or themes I could use. Or sometimes, I will see a cake, and it will be such a good idea to me - but look sad in it's attempt. You know? Well anyways, I've decided to blog about some of the cakes I dream about making one day. I can't make them at random - but every once in a while someone will fall into my lap with an idea for a cake that is exactly like one I have in my "one day cakes" folder of pictures - or, someone will fall into my lap with no idea what they want, so I can suggest something. :o)
Here, are some of my cake (hopes).
Because - seriously fun!! And plus, the people are so cute. How could I not want to make this cake???
Because - COOL! Duh.
Because - I think this is so neat. It's modern, but still classy and traditional.
A Diner Cake
Because - Look at the detail!!! And it's so cute, I can hardly stand it. I have to eat that tiny float.
Because - I think this could be really cool, if the whole thing was edible. And a challenge, too!
Because - SOOO COOL. I will probably make this as a "just because" cake one day. Because it's so fun!