When I'm anxious about something, or when I'm excited for something, I always find myself making a quilt. Sometimes it's rushed, or sometimes I take my dear sweet time making it.
When I was pregnant with my daughter, I made a lot of quilts. A LOT.
I was excited, and part of me was excited to use all the pretty quilt prints I couldn't with my son, because my husband said they were "too girly"... :o
The closer to my due date I got, the more intricate my quilts would get. The more time was put into them. The more I was kindof getting bored with quilting. And everything else.
Now? I'm waiting this week... for Thursday. It could get here faster, if I willed it hard enough!!! :oD But alas, I must wait.
We are going home, to Calgary, to visit my mom and dad and everyone, while it's summer. Ohhh yes, summer. I haven't been home to Calgary while it's been anything but winter, since I was 16. SIXTEEN!
I am very excited. And, we all were sick last week/the beginning of this week, so I'm glad we're all getting that out of our systems in time for our vacation.
I haven't wanted to quilt in FOR-EV-ER, but this week I already had my sewing machine out... and I was looking at some squares I had cut and ready to be organized and... well... today, I made that quilt! I quilted, and now, I feel a sense of calm. LOL like it's therapy!
And so, I made the Happy Baby Girl Quilt - the fairy fabric on the back is flannel, from my mom - and the front, all the happy colors, I picked out to be a happy summer baby quilt a while ago but never got around to sewing.
Until today!