Since I still have yet to discover if I can create a photo album on this site, I will just post this - the pictures themselves!
"Logan's 1st Birthday" - January 9th, 2007
We did a sports theme - so I made his cake to look like a baseball, and a bigger cake for the rest of us. These cakes was chocolate, with buttercream frosting.

"My First Wedding Cake" - February 2007
I did this cake for the receptionist that worked in my husband's office! This cake was chocolate with buttercream frosting.

"7-7-7 Cake" - July 7th, 2007
I did this cake for the boss that worked in my husband's office - she wanted a poker table groomscake, and a 7 tier wedding cake. We nicknamed her wedding cake "The Dr. Seuss Cake" because of how extremely whimsical it was. The Groom's Cake is chocolate with buttercream frosting and fondant, with fondant cards and chips. The wedding cake is white with buttercream and fondant.

"Keeley & Nate Anniversary Cake" - August 2007
My best friend Keeley and her husband Nate's cake. This was a red velvet cake with buttercream and fondant, with fondant and hand painted detail.

"Bucket O' Duckies Baby Shower Cake" - October 19th, 2007
My friend Carin asked me to make a baby shower cake for her sister-in-law. This was a black forest cake, stuffed with cherry pie filling and topped with whip cream.

"The 'Big Deal' Cake" - November 3rd, 2007
I was so worried when the bride came to me and asked me to include detail, several different colored flowers, vines, ivy, a figurine, a mirrored floor, pillars and more in her cake - would it be too busy? Did I have any idea what I was doing?!? But it came together in the end. This was a red velvet cake with buttercream frosting and artificial flower and leaf detail.

"Logan's 2nd Birthday" - January 9th, 2008
LOVES Spongebob. I wanted to include that in the theme for his birthday, so I made Spongebob and Patrick (with a little cake) in front of Patrick's house (a rock). He LOVED it! This was a chocolate cake with buttercream frosting and gum paste Spongebob, Patrick, and the cake.

"Madalyn's 1st Birthday" - January 10th, 2008
My best friend's daughter turned 1 a day after my son turned 2 - of
course I had to make her cake too! This was a vanilla, chocolate, german chocolate, and red velvet cake with buttercream frosting.

"Rick's 30th Birthday" - January 22nd, 2008
My husband kindof got the lazy cake - this was so easy to make! Which is good because I didn't have a lot of time to put into a cake when I was busy trying to do the rest of the food for the party! This was white cake, chocolate cake, and buttercream frosting.

"Relief Society Birthday Cake" - March 20th, 2008
I made the cake for our Relief Soceity Birthday party, celebrating the creation of the Relief Society! This cake was vanilla, milk chocolate, dark chocolate, german chocolate, and red velvet with buttercream frosting and royal frosting decorations.

"Easter Cake" - March 23rd, 2008
I was in my first trimester and quite frankly some days I had no energy to brush my teeth, let alone make a cake!!! This was a big hit, but definitely not my prouder cake moment. This was chocolate cake, buttercream frosting, and various easter candies.

"The Phlebotomist Cake" - April 14th, 2008
My friend Carin finished her schooling to become a phlebotomist and wanted to thank the people in the office with a humorous cake. How could I turn this project down?!?! LOL. Red velvet and chocolate cake (of course!) with buttercream and fondant, and gum paste decorations.

"Terry's Birthday Cake" - April 18th, 2008
My husband's buddy is a wrestler - so we gave him a cake of himself in a wrestling ring! Chocolate cake, buttercream frosting, and fondant, with a gum paste figurine.

"The X-Box Cake" - April 19th, 2008
I worked with a girl who - small world - married a guy my husband went to high school with. She called me one day and asked me to make a birthday cake for her husband, who apparantly was in love with his X-Box 360. This cake was vanilla and buttercream frosting.

"The Second Phlebotomist Cake" - April 24th, 2008
Someone at church saw the first 'arm cake' I did for my friend, and just loved it. She said her son was a phlebotomist and his birthday was coming up, so it would be really funny if she sent a cake like that to her son while he was at work. It was a big hit!!! Red velvet cake, buttercream frosting, and gum paste decorations.

"The Graduation Wrigley Cake" - May 24th, 2008
I made the cake for my cousin-in-law's high school graduation party. We're a family of big Cub fans!!! The cake was a huge hit. Chocolate cake, buttercream frosting, with royal icing decorations.

"Vodka and Chicken Wings" - June 11th, 2008
My husband's boss is Russian - and loves vodka and chicken wings. The guys in the bunker wanted a hilarious cake for him for his birthday. Happy Birthday Oleg - vodka and chicken wings it is! This was a white cake, and buttercream frosting. This was probably my favorite so far, because it's hilarious.

"Second Wrigley Cake" - July 19th, 2008
Someone at the graduation party for my husband's cousin saw the cake and had to have it for their mom's birthday. I made the cake much smaller than the graduation version, but it was a huge hit all the same. Chocolate cake and buttercream frosting, with royal icing decorations.

"Christmas Cake" - December 20th, 2008
This isn't much to look at, but it's the best cake ever, because it's like three desserts in one. This is a chocolate cake, with chocolate truffle loaf filling, frosted with chocolate frosting, drenched in rich ganace. Optional: Wrap the cake in tiny stick cookies (pirouette? I think that's what they're called).
Extremely rich. We call it the Christmas cake, because that's pretty much the only time we make it. If you want the recipe, I can give it to you!!!

"Logan's 3rd Birthday" - January 9th, 2009
Logan loves Spongebob, but he also loves Blues Clues. This year? A blue cake - a total Blues Clues pawprint theme, and the thinking chair. This was a chocolate cake, with a peanut butter buttercream frosting. (YES! Peanut butter!) I made the "Thinking Chair" with a hot glue gun and some fabric from a red hankie, and then fabric painted the seams black, like the one on the show. Royal icing decorations. (In hind sight, not my best choice - too fragile to stick in a cake)

"Madalyn's 2nd Birthday" - January 10th, 2009
Did the first birthday, had to do the second. This year's theme was "Tinkerbell" - so I made a garden for her fairies. The cake was vanilla, (colored green) and the frosting was buttercream (in the middle it was purple), and royal icing decorations.

"Rick's 31st Birthday" - January 22nd, 2009
Like I said, we're big cub fans. Vanilla cake, buttercream frosting.

"Rick's 31st Birthday Party Cake" - January 25th, 2009
I had to make a cake for when we had the party too! This was chocolate cake, with peanut butter frosting. BIG hit!!!

"Motorcycle Cake" - February 7th, 2009
This cake was made for the sister-in-law of a girl I worked with, for her son's 3rd birthday. Vanilla cake, fresh cut strawberries in the middle, with buttercream frosting, a little fondant on top, and hand painted image on top.

"Valentine's Day Treats" - February 10th, 2009
Ok so these aren't really
cakes, they're rice krispies treats. I frosted them with buttercream frosting, and put each on a little cake board. I thought it was more fun for my visiting
teachees than just a plain plate of treats. :o)

SHEW! That's everything up-to-date!!!